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今期推介👉🏻 【春季養生茶療體驗】 🍵

⓵ 量度醫療級身體成份分析

⓶ 營養師諮詢 (30分鐘)

⓷ 當季茶療3️⃣包









【Comparison of McDonald’s burgers】Grabbing a burger from McDonald’s is a convenient and quick option for breakfast. Which one is a better option among these three burgers from the breakfast menu?

Among these three kinds of burger, the Omnipork luncheon and scrambled egg burger has the highest amount in calories and fat. The high fat content directly relates to the large amount of oil which is used for cooking the scrambled egg, and the dressing used in the burger.

Another popular item on McDonald’s menu, sausage mcmuffin with egg also has a high fat and calorie content. The sausage patty which is a processed meat has added a large amount of salt during processing. A sausage mcmuffin with egg has 890mg of sodium, which is 45% of the recommended daily intake of sodium for an adult.

Nutritionist advice: Next time, if you would like to grab a burger for breakfast, you are recommended to choose Egg McMuffin, as it has a lower calories, fat and sodium content as compared to the other two burgers. However, bacon, sausage patty and Omnipork luncheon are processed food, which are not recommended to consume daily.

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