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【牙齒變黃與飲食物有關】- 營養生Negimen


新鮮蔬果如椰菜花所含的鐵質能於牙齒的表面形成抵抗酸蝕的薄膜,降低酸性物質對琺瑯質的傷害;士多啤梨中的蘋果酸是天然的收斂劑,能有助去除牙齒表面的染色。菠蘿和木瓜各自含有蛋白水解酶,能分解蛋白質,從而 防止污漬積聚於牙齒表面及形成斑塊。 而牛奶中的乳酸則能刺激唾液分泌,有助清除引起蛀牙的細菌。



【Yellow teeth are related to what you eat】Our teeth are exposed to all kinds of food every day, oral cavity is always the key to healthy teeth . Common cause of yellow teeth if diet include acidic foods, such as fruits, coffee or carbonated drinks, these will easily erode the enamel on the surface of teeth. Fruits that with natural pigments such as cherries or berries will also easily cause pigmentation on the surface of the teeth, contributing to yellowing of the teeth over time.

The iron contained in fresh vegetables and fruits such as broccoli can form an acid-resistant film on the surface of teeth, reducing the damage of acidic substances to enamel; the malic acid in strawberry is a natural astringent, which can help remove the surface of teeth staining. Pineapple and papaya each contain proteolytic enzymes, which can break down protein and prevent stains from accumulating on the surface of teeth and forming plaque. The lactic acid in milk can stimulate saliva secretion and help remove bacteria that cause tooth decay.

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