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【生飛滋是因爲缺乏維他命B2嗎?】- 營養生Negimen

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【Do I need to increase my vitamin B2 intake in order to prevent mouth sore?】There is a study that shows more than 80% of people getting mouth sore because of lack of sleep, emotional stress, tiredness, which results in bad circulation in blood and also affects the immune system. However, only 10% of people who get mouth sore because of the lack of vitamin B complex. Therefore, increasing the intake of vitamins does not directly improve the condition of mouth sore.

Vitamin B2 plays a role in improving the condition of mucous membrane cells and soothe inflammation. Therefore, lack of vitamin B2 in the diet may cause mouth sore.

We can always find vitamin B2 in our daily food intake, having a balanced diet can provide us with sufficient amounts of Vitamin B2 intake. An adult man needs 1.3 mg of vitamins B2, and an adult woman needs 1.1 mg of vitamin B2 daily. We can get sufficient intake of Vitamin B2 from a cup of milk in the 6morning, half cup of almonds at tea time, and also salmon with spinach on the side for dinner.

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