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💡 透過攝取維生素B6和色氨酸增加血清素的分泌,有助日間放鬆心情; 夜間促進褪黑激素的生成,提升睡眠質素


【Feeling Irritable Before Menstruation?】

Some of the women may become emotional before menstruation. The reason behind may be caused by the insufficient glucose in the brain due to inner fatigue, which is why women are likely to have a sweet tooth before menstruation. In addition to eating sweet stuffs, increase the intake of vitamin B6 and tryptophan rice food can also help easing the mood.

💡 The intake of vitamin B6 and tryptophan can help increase the secretion of serotonin. This is believed to help relax during day time, while promoting the production of melatonin at night, improving sleep quality

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今期推介👉🏻 【秋季養生茶療體驗】🍵

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⓷ 當季茶療3️⃣包

價錢:HKD 480



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