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【快餐=不健康? - 麥當勞早餐篇】- 營養生Negimen

【快餐=不健康? - 麥當勞早餐篇】三餐正餐之中,早餐經常性被忽略。早上想多睡幾分鐘或趕出門上學上班,麵包或快餐自然就成了快捷早餐的不二之選,或選擇把早餐延至於午餐時間才一同進食,甚至不吃早餐。久而久之我們便很容易忽略早餐原來的重要性,於不同的選擇上亦會影響身體的健康。


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【Fast food = Unhealthy? - Mcdonld’s Breakfast】Among the three main meals of the day, breakfast is often overlooked. Staying in bed for a few more minutes or rushing out to school or work in the morning are often the reasons to have brunch instead, or even skip breakfast. Bread and fast food have eventually become the common choices for quick breakfast options. Meanwhile, we often overlook the importance of breakfast, yet different choices of breakfast are also likely to affect once healthy status.

Breakfast is also regarded as the most important meal of the day, in addition to its calories, other essential nutrients are also critical. Let’s take a twisty pasta meal from Mcdonld’s as an example, its overall nutrients are more balanced than McMuffin or hotcakes. Avoid processed meat such as sausage and ham, while choose original flavoured soup base can help reduce the intake of sodium at the same time.

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