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【水果中的糖分比例 (II) 】

【水果中的糖分比例 (II) 】

糖分很自然會讓我們聯想到其升糖指數(GI),但除升糖指數外,亦可多了解其升糖負荷(GL) 從而選擇更合適自己的水果或其他含糖食品。

以西瓜🍉為例 ,雖然屬於高升糖指數水果(GI 72),但其含糖量卻較低,每100克的西瓜升糖負荷卻只有3.6,屬於低升糖負荷(≦10)。




The sugar content often lead us to think about its glycemic index (GI), but understand more about the glycemic load (GL) allow further reference for a more suitable food choice.

Let’s take watermelon🍉 as an example. Although it is a high GI fruit (GI 72), with its low sugar content, the GL per 100g is only 3.6 (Low GL ≦10).

For diabetic diet, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance or weight loss, GL has more reference value.

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